Page 164 - my SUCCESS! my CHOICE
P. 164

Deepak Gupta my SUCCESS! my CHOICE
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                  ‘On Social Intelligence, my rating will be low as I am still discovering and learning through Ron’s

               sessions. Although I have started making progress, I still have a long way to go. Numerically, I would rate

               myself 2 out of 5.’

                  He rated himself 2 on Mindful Attitude as well, using the same logic.

                  ‘I think I am a good leader as several of my bosses have told me over the years, but where do I fit on Bold

               Leadership    metric?

                  He recalled the 4 skills of Bold Leadership that Ron had described and entered them in an

               Excel Spreadsheet. He also entered Ron’s suggested behaviors for Visionary skill as best as he

               could recall.

                  ‘I will later define the suitable behaviors for each of these skills as Ron had advised. For now, let me rate

               against Ron’s proposed behaviors for Visionary, and overall score for each of the other skill.’ He decided.

                  Bold Leadership: Visionary

                   •  Recognize the opportunities posed by consumer & customer needs.
                       ‘1. I have not spent any time to understand consumer and customer needs.’

                   •  Create challenging vision and corresponding strategies and plans that would leverage these
                       opportunities to exceed consumer & customer expectations and create competitive advantage.

                       ‘2. I do this well except for the customer and consumer connection, which should be the starting point.’

                   •  Engage, enroll, and energize others in pursuit of these vision and strategies.
                       ‘2. This is a significant opportunity area for me.’

                   •  Focus only on the work and ask only for the work that adds value to the aligned objective,
                       goals, and strategies.

                       ‘2. I am unable to say no when some work pops up.’

                  He averaged 1.75 out of 5 on Visionary skill. ‘God! I thought I was better than this.
   159   160   161   162   163   164   165   166   167   168   169