Page 182 - my SUCCESS! my CHOICE
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Deepak Gupta my SUCCESS! my CHOICE
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“Unfortunately, we set results or outcome as our success measures; trying to achieve what
is unpredictable and beyond our direct control causes anxiety and frustrations. And it distracts
us from doing what is in our control -- performing all our actions and responsibilities with
Dan’s face lit up and he spoke excitedly, “Ron this is so true. Thinking about my delayed
promotion has been very distracting. It has not only caused frustration but has also affected
my behavior and actions. Past few weeks have been so satisfying not only because of new
learnings but also because promotion has not even been a thought; as if it is now irrelevant.”
“Excellent! Your success measure has changed Dan! Success is no longer the outcome of
promotion but the actions of seek, soak, sift and share to convert the new knowledge to
learnings and putting those learnings to practice. It is satisfying because you are now focused
on what is in your control.”
“Yes Ron. It is probably the most satisfying phase of my career in a long time.”
“And can others feel your success in the past few weeks.” Ron asked with a smile.
“I do not know if they feel my success, but they see me more relaxed, more composed,
more understanding, more engaged, more smiling and at peace with myself.” He hesitated
shortly and continued, “I guess those are the telltale signs of success – probably they do feel
my success.”
“Thanks Dan. Till few weeks back, success for you was promotion to Director. As it was
not happening, you were stressed, disappointed, distracted, and unable to focus on the only