Page 24 - June
P. 24


               The so-called "light" place of the circle is a point diametrically opposite to the point of the
        "heavy" one, which is always located below on an unbalanced circle. The design of the adapter
        flanges for grinding wheels of sharpeners provides for the presence of three balancing weights
        (segments) on the inner flange, which are moved during balancing along a special groove. After
        the "light" place of the circle is established (and marked with a marker), the middle balancing
        weight is moved into it, and the two extreme ones are set at approximately equal distance from
        it. If the heavy part of the circle will still tend to take the lower position, then the extreme "
        shear blocks" are brought closer to the middle one, and vice versa [3]. A balanced circle on
        the balancing stand (after a light push) must stop in an arbitrary manner. The markings on the
        circle must not occupy the same position. To facilitate the process of static wheel balancing, first
        loosen the locking screws of the balancing weights and drive them around the circumference of
        the groove on the inner flange, at the same time removing them from the groove accumulated
        dust and dirt.

                                                           STATIC BALANCING OF FANS OF INDUSTRIAL
                                                           VACUUM CLEANERS
                                                                   Under industrial vacuum cleaners, as already
                                                           noted above, dust-collecting ventilation units of the
                                                           ZIL-900  M type  are  positioned here.  These  units
                                                           are  used  in tandem with  sharpeners  in auxiliary
                                                           (mechanical)  production,  when  the  installation of
                                                           special ventilation  systems  is not always advisable
                                                           due  to their high cost. energy  consumption  and
                                                           complexity  of  installation.  Often,  a  more  rational
                                                           solution is to  use  dust-collecting units  designed  to
                                                           remove  abrasive  dust  from  a  particular  sharpener
                                                           [5]. Most of these industrial vacuum cleaners come
                                                           from the USSR. And currently they are operated on a
                                                           leftover basis, without any looking back at the once-
                                                           existing  SPR system.  Failed  veteran dust  collecting
                                                           units are sent mainly to the scrap. Such new industrial
                                                           vacuum  cleaners  are purchased  in exchange,  and
        they repeat the fate of their predecessors.
               The main mechanical reason for the failure of these units is the destruction of the bearings
        of the rotor shaft of the electric motor, on which the impeller with "blades" is mounted, and the
        subsequent deformation (bending) of the rotor shaft (Fig. 2).
               After the deformation of the rotor shaft, when no routine inspections and minor repairs
        can eliminate excessive noise (rumbling)  and vibration of an industrial  vacuum cleaner, the
        unit is sent to scrap metal. The reason for this situation is a rapid drop in the level of technical
        literacy not only of local production managers, but also of specialized specialists (ITR) of the

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