Page 22 - Learning and Development SOP Handbook
P. 22
Wednesday from 9:15 to Thursday from 9:15 to
5:00, agents attend the 3:00, agents attend the
Information Day of the Review Day where they
training. complete review activities
An email is sent to any in preparation for a
scheduled agent and
his/her DSM if he/she is practice exam given at the
not present by 9:30. end of the day.
An email is sent to any
scheduled agent and
his/her DSM if he/she is
From 2:00 to 3:00, agents are not present by 9:30.
given a practice exam on the
A-MAX University platform.
Agents must receive a 74% or
Not Passing: will be rescheduled to re-attend a
higher to pass. Scores show Review Day and take the practice exam for a
second time. Email invitations for the second
once exam is complete.
review are sent on the Monday that the review
will take place. If they do not pass the practice
exam the second time, they are rescheduled to
attend the Review Day for a third and final
attempt at the practice exam. Email invitations
for the third review are sent on the Monday that
Passing: Facilitator sends the review will take place. If they do not pass the
next steps necessary for practice exam on their third attempt, then their
licensing; phone numbers DSM/RSM is informed via the LL Agent Report,
for HR to schedule an and will decide subsequent actions. This could
appointment with a include: Scheduling an attempt at the Official LL
PearsonVue exam center to Exam (the agent pays for the official attempt);
take the Official LL Exam additional LL Pre-License training; or
and get an appointment to termination for failure to pass the license
get their fingerprints taken training. If they pass any of these attempts, they
(part of the TDI requirement will be given the phone number for HR to
to get a license). schedule an appointment.
The Facilitator emails a report to DSM/RSM for agents that attended training. This report
shows the agents’ scores on the practice exam so the manager is aware of their agent’s
testing status, as well as observation notes by the Facilitator. HR is included in the email so
that they are aware of the agents’ testing status.