P. 20

Employee Handbook

               MATERNITY LEAVE

               •   Eligible women Employees are entitled to maximum of 26 weeks of maternity leave
               •   Women employees should have put in at least 6 months before she becomes eligible for Maternity leave.
                   Employees availing this leave must inform the details in required format in writing
               •   Maternity  leave  can  be  used  a  maximum  of  two  (2)  occasions  during  an  Employee’s  tenure  with  the
                   Company. All intervening holidays and weekends falling during this period of maternity leave are counted
               •   Employees undergoing medical termination of pregnancy under medical advice or Miscarriage, Stillbirth or
                   Miscarriage are entitled to paid offs as per the Maternity Benefits Act provided a duly registered attending
                   medical practitioner should certify this

               BEREAVEMENT LEAVE

               In the event of an unfortunate death in the immediate family, the employees are eligible for five (5) working
               days of compassionate leave. Immediate family is parents, spouse, children and siblings.

               VI. C Leave during notice period

               Employees can utilize leaves during the notice period only if there is annual leave balance in his/her Account
               and subject to approval from his/her RM. Based on work exigencies and subject to RM’s discretion, the leaves
               utilized are added to the notice period of the employees. The final settlement process starts one week  prior
               to the  relieving  date. Employee  must  apply for  all the  leaves through the  Greythr Application.

               Please note: An Employee must be physically present in office on his/her last working date. The experience
               and relieving letters  are not issued if the Employee is not present  on the last working day.

               LEAVE ENCASHMENT

               An Employee who is no longer employed with the Company is permitted to cash the unutilized annual leave
               standing to his/her credit, subject to maximum accumulation limits, as on date of the severance of service.

               The formula for encashment is the following:

               (Current month’s base salary X Number of days of actual annual leave balance) / 30 (Subject to maximum
               of 60 days)

               VI.D  Office Hours, Late Coming, Time and Attendance

               SHTPL works on a 5-day schedule, Monday through Friday.
               •   Employees are required to clock 8 hours for each day excluding lunch hour and breaks. Since the Payroll is
                   linked to Biometrics, any difference in minimum hours will automatically get debited accordingly i.e. more
                   than 4 hours short fall is considered as full day. Unapplied or unapproved leave days also get debited
                   directly from work hours. Employees are encouraged to check their timings every day on Greythr which is
                   linked to real time biometric data.
               •   Since the Payroll is linked to Biometrics and since Time and Attendance system is completely hands free
                   and application driven, all instances of leave, Travel on duty, client visits and late in due to late log out are
                   to be applied and approved through Greythr time and attendance application. Late log outs will be heeded
                   only  when  the  employee  exceeds  one  hour  over  and  above  stipulated  work  hours  for  the  day.  It  is
                   employees’  responsibility  to  ensure  he/she  applies  and  his/her  RM  approves  the  leaves  within  the
                   stipulated time frame. No such instances can either be applied post its occurrence nor can they be adjusted
               Strictly for Internal Circulation only              Version 7.2 – Released on 06/2023 [PG: 19]
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