P. 7
Employee Handbook
II.A Workplace Conduct Policies
Drug-Free Workplace
All SHTPL employees are prohibited from the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession,
or use of a controlled substance at any time at workplace or during hours of employment (whether or not on
SHTPL property/ premises). Employees are expected to report to work free from the influence of illegal drugs and
to remain free from such influence while on premises or while performing any work for SHTPL off premises. As
a condition of continued employment with SHTPL, employees are expected to abide by the terms of this policy
and to notify the Human Resources of any violation occurring during their employment with SHTPL. If an
employee engages in any of the activities stated above, the employee is subject to appropriate disciplinary
action (including, but not limited to, unpaid suspension and termination). In addition, SHTPL may be required
to report such activities to local law enforcement.
Alcohol-Free Workplace
Employees are prohibited from the use or possession of alcohol at any time in the workplace or during hours of
employment (whether or not on SHTPL premises). Employees are expected to report to work free from the
influence of alcohol and to remain free from such influence while to workplace or while performing any work
for SHTPL off site. Employees who violate this policy will be subject to disciplinary action (including, but not
limited to, unpaid suspension and termination). Employees who observe violations of this policy are urged to
promptly report this to the Human Resources Department.
EXCEPTION - The only exception to this policy is when moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages occurs at
SHTPL sponsored or business-related functions (not in SHTPL office premises) and the employee is of legal
minimum drinking age under applicable state laws. However, under no circumstances may consumption of
alcoholic beverages interfere with an employee's ability to perform business activities effectively, regardless of
the time or place of consumption.
Smoke-Free Workplace
For the health, safety and protection of all employees, applicants for employment and guests of SHTPL, smoking
is not permitted anywhere on workplace premises, including but not limited to the lobbies, elevators, stairwells,
corridors, restrooms, lounges, public areas, and all other building spaces. Offsite employees are also to strictly
adhere to in-house policies at client place.
Violence-Free Workplace
SHTPL has adopted a policy prohibiting workplace violence. Consistent with this policy, acts or threats of
physical violence, including intimidation, violent arguments, harassment, and/or coercion, which involve or
affect SHTPL or its clients, or which occur on SHTPL or its client’s property, will not be tolerated. Acts or threats
of violence include conduct that is sufficiently severe, offensive, or intimidating to alter the employment
conditions at SHTPL, or to create a hostile, abusive, or intimidating work environment for one or several
Strictly for Internal Circulation only Version 7.2 – Worked on 06/2024 [PG: 6]