Page 76 - Practical Handout bio 2 mnu 2025_Neat
P. 76

Level two – Semester 4 - PharmD      Biochemistry-II PB-403 (Practical course)     2024/2025

                                                2- Plasma Proteins

                       ❖  They  are  synthesized  in  the  liver  except  for  gamma-globulins

                          which are synthesized by the lymphoreticular endothelium system

                          (RES) of the bone marrow.

                       ❖  Total proteins in plasma: 6-8 g/dl.

                       ❖  Containing more than 100 different types of proteins, the most important are:

                       1.  Albumin: 3.5 - 5.5 g/dl – the major plasma protein (representing up to 60% of

                          total plasma proteins).

                       2.  Globulin: 1.8 - 3.3 g/dl.

                       3.  Fibrinogen: 0.2 - 0.6 g/dl.

                       ❖  The remainder of the plasma proteins (1%) are regulatory proteins,
                          such as enzymes, proenzymes, and hormones.

                       ❖  Normally, the Albumin/globulin ratio (A/G ratio) = 2/1.

                       Functions of plasma proteins:

                       1.  Maintaining plasma osmotic pressure:

                   Plasma protein especially albumin allows solid matter to be suspended in

                   plasma  by  making  osmotic  pressure  which  antagonizes  the  hydrostatic


                       2.  Protective function: through γ-globulins.

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