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Have I recognized the   the over jet must be sufficient taking into account the envelope of
                                             complexity of this case or   function and avoiding the incisal interference
                                             potential pitfalls?
                                               As   shown   above  Phase 4: The area was then anesthetized with 4% articaine
                                             the complexity would   hydrochloride. The teeth were isolated with opragate. The facial
                                             be anything that goes   enamel was bevelled with a Sof-Lex disc (3M Oral Care). A little CL
                                             against the SAFE table   translucent enamel was placed on the incisal edge. The final layer
                                             principles.          was placed over the surface and the restoration was cured under an
                                               Has my patient  been   oxygen barrier to remove the inhibition layer and enhance polishing.
                                             explained the scope of   Finishing was done using the Sof-lex discs and spirals (3M Oral
                                             what orthodontics can   Care). The sequence ranged from coarse to super-fine to achieve life-
                                             do for their malocclusion   like polish and shine. The patient was over the moon.
                                             other than just anterior
                                             teeth alignment?     Phase 5: Retention – as mentioned in series one a fixed upper
                                               The patient had been   retainer was then bonded during the last appointment to prevent
                                             given the options to have   relapse occur ring in the future. Bonded canine to canine retainers
                                             her molar relationship   have been recommended in the literature. The wires used are multi-
                                             corrected but declined   strand stainless steel wire. In this case, an indirect one was made
                                             this.                by sending polyvinyl silicone impression sent to the lab. The wire
                                               Is this case  better   was transferred to the teeth using a specially made jig. The wire was
           Fig 18: Happy patient             suited for a second   bonded using flowable composite. The occlusion was made clear
           opinion?                                               when placing a retainer on the maxillary arch. The flexibility of the
              Patient’s autonomy must be respected; this is the premise of consent.   arch wire allows for physiological tooth movement and prevents
           Consent is about effective communication and a trusting relationship   bond fracture through occlusal forces. Periodontal ligament stability
           between a patient and the dentist. If these conditions are not met the   is also achieved with this technique. The patient's main concerns
           patient is likely to feel unhappy, violated or misled which can instigate   of her smile alignment, and crowding were all resolved. There
           a complaint.                                           was improved interincisal angle and contact created. A protected
                                                                  guidance was created in lateral excursion. n
           Align the teeth using Invisalign, IPR and attachments. Retrude and
           extrude the upper laterals and proline the incisors to improve the
           position. Improve the aesthetics of the incisal edges with composite
           •  Maintain the posterior occlusion as there are no signs of pathology.  ABOUT THE AUTHOR
           • Maintain the health of the existing dentition.
           • Keep the guidance as it is since there are no signs of wear or pathology.  Dr Rhona Eskander graduated from
           •  The patient's pre-treatment lower arch form should be maintained     Leeds University in 2010 and completed
             during orthodontic treatment as much as possible.                     her vocational training in a practice
           •  Original lower inter-canine width should be maintained a much as     in Kent. During this year, she won the
             possible because expansion of lower inter-canine width is prone to    prize for the ‘Best Case Presentation’– a
                                                                                   complex restorative case which involved
             orthodontic relapse.                                                  several disciplines in dentistry. She was
           •  The most stable position of the lower incisor is it pretreatment     titled Best Young Dentist in 2016/2017
             position and advancing the lower incisors is correlated with          at the prestigious dentistry awards. She
             compromising stability.                                               has been shortlisted for several awards
           • Consideration of retention for life.                                  and also won an award at the 2017
                                                                   Aesthetic Awards (botulinum toxin category). Dr. Eskander
           TREATMENT                                               is dedicated to post graduate training and has successfully
                                                                   passed her MUDF examinations. Rhona is a Diamond Provider
                                                                   for Invisalign and also a key opinion leader for Philips and
           Phase 1: Impressions were taken for the clincheck with polyvinyl   Invisalign. She lectures on behalf of the latter. She has
           impressions                                             completed courses at Eastman Institute and is a member of
                                                                   the British Endodontic Society, the British Dental Association
           Phase 2: Treatment planning was based on alignment and   and the Faculty of the Royal College of Surgeons. Dr.
           retraction of the lower anterior teeth to allow proclination and   Eskander also speaks Arabic, and among her many interests
           alignment of the upper teeth                            and hobbies, she has ventured to Peru where she provided
                                                                   treatment and increased oral health awareness for patients in
           Phase 3: Following alignment of the lower teeth it was noted that   need.

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