NFF News November 2019
P. 1

 The Official Newsletter of the
National Federation of Fishmongers
                          NFF News
                  IN THIS ISSUE
•Craft Competitions •60 Seconds •Master Fishmonger Standard • Ken’s Column • British Fishcraft Championships 2019
•Fishing News Awards •Farm & Deli Awards •Apprenticeships • Seafish News • UK Seafood Summit • Diary Dates
 NFF Sheild Returns
to the North East!
The 2019 British Fish Craft Championships returned to Roald Dahl Plass, Cardiff Bay
on Sunday 25th August. For the 2nd consecutive year, the Fishmongers' Company Shield was lifted by Andrew Barker of Hodgsons Fish, Hartlepool. Well done Andrew!
  NFFNews November 2019

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