Page 225 - Fundamentals of Management Myths Debunked (2017)_Flat
P. 225

224    Part 3   •  Organizing
                                        ◂ ◂ ◂  From the Past to the Present                  ▸ ▸ ▸

                  Hugo Munsterberg, a pioneer in  the field  of  industrial   chology at They study  organizational topics
                    psychology, is “generally credited with creating the field.”    such as job performance, job analysis, performance appraisal,
                  As an admirer of Frederick W. Taylor and the scientific man-  compensation, work/life balance, work sample tests, employ-
                  agement movement, Munsterberg stated that  “Taylor had   ee training, employment law, personnel recruitment and se-
                  introduced most valuable suggestions which the industrial   lection, and so forth. Their research has contributed much to
                  world cannot  ignore.” Drawing  on  Taylor’s                       the field that we call human resource man-
                  works, Munsterberg stressed  “the impor-                           agement. And all of this is due to the early
                  tance of efficiently using workers to achieve  Scientifically      work done by Hugo Munsterberg.
                  economic production.” His research and work   studying the         If your professor has assigned this, go to
                  in showing organizations ways to improve the                       the Assignments  section  of  mymanage
                  performance and well-being of workers was   WorKPLace      to complete these discus-
                  fundamental to the emerging field of manage-                       sion questions.
                  ment in the early 1900s.
                     Today, industrial-organizational psychology is defined as      Talk About It 1: Why is it important to scientifically study
                  the scientific study of the workplace. Industrial-organizational   the workplace?
                  (I/O) psychologists use scientific principles and research-based      Talk About It 2: Do you think it’s easier today to scien-
                    designs to generate knowledge  about  workplace  issues.   tifically study the workplace than it was back in Munsterberg’s
                  (Check out the Society for Industrial and  Organizational Psy-  days? Why or why not?

                                              •  Example: One hiring law states that employer has 28 days to evaluate a new employee’s
                                                work performance; after that period, the employee has job security and termination is
                                                  difficult and expensive.
                                              •  Violators face severe penalties, including criminal action, steep fines, and even jail  sentences
                                                for employers who fail to pay, for example, the minimum wage.
                General Electric is a multinational employer   •  Discrimination laws not enacted until the 1980s and generally apply to women (who need
                committed to observing all the different labor   improved opportunities).
                laws of the 100 countries in which it operates.
                Shown here are employees of GE’s wind   •  Industrial relations specialists have important organizational roles, reducing the control line
                turbine factory in Vietnam, a country whose   managers have over workplace labor issues.
                Labour Code of Vietnam was first passed                                      •  Labor and industrial relations
                in 1994 and provides strong protections for
                employees.                                                                     laws  were  overhauled in  1997
                                                                                               with the goal of increasing pro-
                                                                                               ductivity and reducing union
                                                                                             •  The  Workplace Relations Bill
                                                                                               gives employers greater flex-
                                                                                               ibility to negotiate directly with
                                                                                               employees on pay, hours, and
                                                                                               benefits, and also simplifies
                                                                                                 federal regulation of labor–
                                                                                               management relations.
                                                                                             •  Similar to most other  Western
                                                                                               European countries when it
                                                                                               comes to HRM practices.
                                                                                             •  Laws require companies to have
                                                                                               representative   participation—
                                                                                               thus redistributing power within
                                                                                               the  organization and putting
               AFP/Newscom                                                                       labor on a more equal footing
                                                                                               with the interests of manage-
                                                                                               ment and  stockholders.
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