Page 327 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 327
Persian claim to Bahrain, 1948 315
Drillah Jiuibo Day,
a.^7/7i>An 20 th Se£>t ember, !%£•
l)onr Chancery,
Wo hove been interested to road in. the Iraq Command
Intelligence ileviow (Ho# rj'\» Doction 1, of <Hh September;
that the Iraqi preue has oome out utrorigly against the
Pereion claim to d&hreia, and wo should bo gruteful for
the tuxtu of any reasonable articles on this eubjoct in
influential Dagdod popern# You will appreciate how
, valuoblo thoao would bo to publicity hero.
Ad for the Senior Intelligence Officer' a ru.-iiorku
abv.-ut the otrong fooling on the fhntt-ol-Arob, wo oont'eca
to ooino ourprico* t.'o far nil that Imti hoppenod iti Uiot
u doputy hou rained the question in the uUtJliu, vdiorcupon
the iliniator l'or J’oroign Affairu merely replied that it
woa under disouaeion with the Iraqi roprcountalive here -
not going further than the miniiuuiu required by parliamentary
oonaidorolion, and not formulating any particular demand.
V.e are yonding oopiuo of this letter to the roroign
Office and to the Political Kualdenfc Persian dull*.
Youro ever,
iiritiah iiabaasy,