Page 332 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 332
320 Records of Bahrain
(4) that, If tlic ruattor ohould bo rnlood either In the
Beourlty Council or the General Auaoubly, it would be boot
to try to diroot thn meeting towords a raquoot for an ad-
vlaory opinion from the International Court.
With rogard to tho recommendation of tho Foreign Office
that the United Btaton and Qroat Britain 0 lnue to die-
oourago the Iranian Government from rslolng Its olaln, It !•
euggoated tlv\t the Foreign Offioo give consideration to tho
pooelblis desirability of a parallel formal approach to the
Iranian Government by tho British and United Gtatee Oovornmente.
Buoh nn upprouoh might eiuphawlxe the following poIntel
(l) in our opinion tho anr.ertod Iranian olalm lo wholly un
tenable both on political and legal groundn; (2) wo believe that
the raising of the Bahrein question by Iran would load to un-
doolrnbl* and frultloun fllaagreemont with the Unltad. Btatee
and the Unltod Kingdom, would have markedly unfavorable repor-
ouanlona In tho ^rab fttatoe, and would redound only to the
benefit of tho U8CE; (3) If Inm should raioe tho Bahrein
question before any International forum, we would be obliged
Btrcnuouoly to oppono euoh Iranian olalm.