Page 329 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 329

Persian claim to Bahrain, 1948             317


         to the off-shore oil proposals and are no doubt looking for
         v/uys and means of smothering Persian criticism at once,
         if it seems lilcoly to arise. They have, I think, be on
         a little more worried than you about the present otato
         of uoviet-Persiun relations and are probably anxious to
         avoid any new complications. In this connexion they
         have in mind recent iioviet insinuations that v/o and the
         Americano have concluded a secret agreement for the
         division of the Persian Gulf into spheres of influence,
         und they are anxious that the Persian Government should
         not be tempted to believe that there may be some truth
         in this propaganda offort.
         5.        1 uiii sending copies of tills letter and of the
         enclosure to the recipients of yours.


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