Page 330 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 330
310 Records oj Bahrain
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The Department of State acknowledges the receipt of the
Drltloh Knbaoa/** aide memolro dated Auguct 27, 1940, in
whloh the vlown of the foreign Office qonoernlng Iranian
olnlrao to Oohroln are presented.
Thlfl Government would view with oorloun concern any
action by Iran which would have the offeot of prejudicing
the ooourity of the Persian Gulf area, or of aggravating un
met in that otrateglo part of the world. Any attempt ’
tho Iranian Government to preee formally or to place its
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claims to Bahrein before on International- forum Mighty ltt£-!
the opinion of the Department, well have euoh effect®,
this oonnootlon it will bo recalled thot Amerioen reproeett^*'.
tatIves In Iron have takon every opportunity during reoent •
yoare to persuade the Iranian Government of the unwiedom of
publicly. airing lto asoerted olalae to Bahrein. s’-"
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The Department has studied the momorandn prepared by
the India Office and the Foreign Office concerning the