Page 333 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 333
Persian claim to Bahrain, 1948 321
In ths event thnt Iran, despite such o.dvloo, nhould decide
tn submit the Bahrein Issue to the United Watlono, thin Govern
ment would be prepared to lond atrong support to a resolution
requesting an advisory opinion from the International Court of
Justloc. It In not, however, proponed that the Iranian Govern
ment ho t;o informed.
Tho Department belloveo thnt a formal approach as outllnod
above would hove oonnldorablo Influonoe In deterring tho Iranian
Goyarument from on 111-ndvlnod course with renpoot to Bahrein and
thvt It would nerve no a matter of reoord for future Ironlan
cablnotn which might contemplate notion In this regard. It is
felt, however, thnt the proponed approach should not be mads
unions a situation should orlno which nppenrn to necessitate
fiuoh notion. Buoh a situation night be orested lftho Iranian
Government, noting on Its own Initiative or under stimulus of
Irredentist propaganda or because of Soviet pressure, should
decide to press tho Bahrein Issue. It Is wore probable, however.
thrt a situation Justifying Ang.lo-Auuvr locn action way be preolpl-
tntod when the proposal n of tho Ur It 1 ah and United litntea Govern*
nentn oonoornlng Jurisdiction and control ovor the submarine
reeouroee of the Persian Oulf art presented to Iron and other