Page 334 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 334

322                        Records of Bahrain


                       ’tornl otaton.  It In, thnrcforo, suggested that the proponed

                     approach to Iran be made at that time If the Iranian reaction

                     should appear to Justify ouch action.

                         The views of the Foreign °ffloo concerning the Department1o

                     proposal and the quootlon of lto timing would be greatly appre-

                     cln ted.  In view of the contemplated approach to the littoral

                     states of the Perolan Gulf In the near future with reopeot to

                     offohoro oil righto, It would oeem advisable for the Britloh

                     and American Governments to arrive at a final decision concern­

                     ing the question of Bahrein at the earlleot possible date.

                      Department of State,


                       3e,;trmh"r 17, V.i'ii

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