Page 331 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 331

Persian claim to Bahrain, 1948             319

         "3r«»ro.-bwi»K upon this same aubJeot4 which have
        ■ ' v" . '■■ ■ . "           ;
          suited in 'the conclusion that the Iranian olala would b« .Jr­    •:
                's ,.V   •  ’ .   • •   •      ■"   :-------------  . •• •   *• h
                 • v-«
          legallyuntenable If It were submitted to an international ,Jf«
        *~ *- ••**vwf*4f.i i.   .   ,                 *                    t.
                 •-------.                                            --it
          bgif tor Judicial deolalon. Howsvar, th* Department-. <ion-’-A;
        V'V;                              v>-;                     -.:Z‘'Sri:
            .1           , ,           , • • *   9 • ,'*• •   • V ' *   J* |'t;**
        •  ours in the view of the foreign Office thrt the present "        ‘
        •                              •
          state of International relations and the composition of the
           .                                                         :  V .
                              •’                                      * •   a* '
          International Court make It impoanlble to jvredlot with oer- ,
         •talnty the nature of thn Court's deolsion on the queotlon of      v

          Bahrein If thin losuo were referred to It for an Advisory
              The Department ngreen in principle with the four reooa-

          mendationa of the foreign Offloe no to the oourso which should}
                                                     *: •       ;
          he pursued by Great Britain and the United Dtatoo, h>unelyi:-• * •

                   ;    . • ••     '     •-   •   • •   . •   ,’r. ■ ► '   '   . • • • ;
        • (1) that  ve ohould not raise the question in ony'.internatioriiil ^
          forum; (n) that vo should oontlnue to discourage Iran from . V:.;
           •    •   v                                             . •   •   I;
          raising it in any manner; (3) that If Iran, nevertheless,..raise
                                                                ••• .
          it in the United Hatlono, we should hope that thie would -be -
                 1                                        ;          •;     *f
                                                   • •:
                                                  •; : £ '
          In the Deourlty Council rather than the denernl Assembly;
                               \                         • %\   j€ •
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