Page 328 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 328
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1 316 Records of Bahrain
\ •
: TOP 3K01WT
Kef. (1.13?/ /6fl 1 2 5 () 3hcptember 21 St, 196^
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Please refer to your letter K73^3/3?7/91 of
the 21 ot August in which you asked us to discuss with
the vltntc Department tins tactics to ho employed if the
Pernians were to show signs of wishing to raise before
tlie United Nations the quostion of their claim to Bahrain.
i 2. Tills discussion has now taken place and I
enclose a copy of un Aide Memoir© which the Btuto Depart
ment have sent us in reply. They told us that they had
gone over the documents enclosed in your letter with
grout care und had also consulted the United States
. • Ambassador in Tehran, us a result of which they found
themselves, as you will see, in general ugroemont with
your views and also with the course of action proposed
in the penultimate paragraph of your letter.
n 3. With possible repercussions concerning off
shore oil in the Persian Gulf in mind, the State
Department liuve, you will note, suggested that a
parallel and formal approach might be made by our two
Governments to the Persian Government, should the
latter decide at some moment to force the iusuo. They
would'be grateful for your views on this point us soon
as possible as wo may find ourselves in a position to
brouoh the off-shore oil proposals with the Governments
I concerned before very long.
i •
n. In view of Gtute Department's attitude, I do
! \ not think that any comments of ours are needed on the
questions which you yourself raised. Their now
suggestion raises wider political issues. We know
I ; that they are rather nervous about Persian reactions
i B. A. D. Burrows, Bsq., to the/
Eastern Department
Porei(-n Office,
London, Li. V7. 1.