Page 179 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 179

Bahrain-Qatar dispute over Zubarah, 1953-1960      569


                        * I <-* 1I                                            !1
                                           fuoilitlou for tho ontry of cortair^
                ^       Jtiu vdJ JJj                                          . *
                                            clooaou of pcoplo into Qatar witliou
            Jt c|^-aJL            JU**I
                                            paooing through tho normal immigrate ■
                   iyiJ\3 [y-Vrj^i ^1
                                            and cuotomo  oontrolo ohould contintf«» p
          _ O l J ll.l)l jl Cljl^ji                     • * 1
                                             It iu thoroforo nccoooGry that for fchb
                         • ^AaJL 4-UpLiJ I
                                            futuro Duhralnio wi oiling to out or
          JaJ        j51 a3j \Sa
                                           Qatar ohould do oo through tho norma!
              J o-Liii JLjl j.U; V u>j^ <jI,
                                            porto of ontry and ho in pooooaoion
                                            of tho normal puooporto or travol $
         — J jS\j US’ • *-o^i
                                            documonta. I cuu aoourod by tho Hulor
        Jl^j*       ^ ^ Ajl/ gU
                                            of Qatar that no obotaoloa will bo
          1 jV           ^Jtt# 3J   Ajuli-
                                            plaood in tho way of Duhrainio v/ishiz.
                                            to ontor Qatar for any logitimato
                                            purpooo in tliio in minor, I um uloo   f
         jjj* o^L}l£i JI i>-U    CD'H)      auaurod by lihnlkli Ali that if uny   c

                I * J£*f       a-»’L cud*   mombora of tho A1 Klmllfah v/iah to •*'.
                    * ^ JjA*J I <U^a) I ^   violt Qatar for hunting or uny othor
                                            purpoooi and will oand notification
                                            to Uhallch Ali, they will bo wolooinod
                                            with all honour and in tho appropriate
                                            manner, witliout tho ncoouoity for anyjj  j
                                            further fon.mli tioo. I undorotand
                                            that thiu io oimilur to tho
                                            arrangement in force in Uaudi Arabia
       gjl <)Ul UJ — i
                                            n.   It followo from wlint I have odd
        U JUjlf *^*JI             Qjij
                                            above that tho Haler of Qatar muot bq
                         Ji>      ^L
                                            froo to do what io neooooary to
           JLo         *\j ISt jh* Jl                                       int!
                                            control tho ontry of all pooplo
        •— jl Jj ^ Uu cJlkJl       t->*                                          i
                                            Qatar, und that no apodal righto dm1
           • ltUI ^          o*                                                I
                                            bo olaimed on behalf of any
                                            particular group of pooplo thoro, ij
                      l»XA — 0
                                            5.   I rogrot to huvo to malco YouiH
         W** <J     I           {$}***J
                                            Ilighnooo a otatemont which I foar U
                                                                      / will ill

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