Page 177 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 177

Bahrain-Qatar dispute over Zubarah, 1953-1960     567


                                                       brltioh hooidonoy,
                       \1*Y C\ \*                      Auj.uot in, 1957

                      vU*»    jJjj-YI      IIIu Ili(.lmoDo Ghuilch iiir Galman
                                               bin Homud A1 Khalifuh,
            ci *• Kf*' «/< • or* f**   v/          K.O.M.r. • »  K.C.I.K.,
                                               llulor of Llahruln.

                 •       <U>mJ I JL*wt         Grootintfa and roGpocto,
                               j-U             Your Ilij.hnooo hao been prcooinc
           — Lfr-jU- ^                      for uoiiio tiiao for n docioion by Hor

          * ^LjJtu****' C*II;>L            Ua^ooty'o Govoi'nmont with regard to
                                O*          tho maintonanco of cortain arraiiGO-
                   I wi^ I^JaJ *Y jY I     monte relating to Zubarah. llor
                 ^yi^m o*                  Hajeaty’u Government havo not v/lohod
               Uy •l5-l~Jl 4j^bs;XJj ^ Lj   to uivo Your llithnouo tholr viowo on
          — «^Jp- jSA <J j.*i~bJ o^1 b^*    thio uubjoot without u snout caroful
                          • ^ixxij*         and thorough otudy of every aopoct
                                            of thio (juoution, including ito
                                            curlior hiotory, Thoy lmvo now
                                            complotod thio otudy and I am
                                            authorized to convoy their attitude
                                            to you.
             l     A«^>J       mm Y         2. llor IJuJouty1 o Govorib.iont havo
        4 J Lf«J        V-oil> J I C> JL/I ^1  never (supported a/\y claim by Uuhrain
         — jyu Lj jyf jjj IjJk * 4j lj\ l   to oovoroiijnty in Zubarah. They have
         chA*      ®             OV J ^     in the pact been ablo to brinf; about
        — jUwI Jj»-I ^ ^LuU                 by nouotiation urrancamentu for
                     ,^|LaV sS+.  o^Li.^w   oortuin opeclul facllltioo for
         UjljJ aLlaa       J->-l ^ .:U      lUihrnlnio in tho urea, und certain
         1 JL • jk3 j$[>. jj
                              O4            limitationo on tho cxcrciuo of
           ^UJl cjpi ^fcuYb ,J <-*’U        oovoroinnty by the Uuler of ( atar.
          e-1 u^j o>«i) b   4 Sa ^1         In proaont ciroumotancoo hov/ovor it
                                                                        / dooo
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