Page 178 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 178
568 Records oj Bahrain
laA JJj • IjuU» AaWuJO L5 doou not oca.i pouuiblo for thooo
* l urrnncomento nnd limltationu to bo
yjjl i *iXb < LaNjI continuod no thoy v/oro boforo* Tho
ljU cu j->jl (S^]) (t)*** ahango lino about for two roaaono,
— %Alw ***^^-^ Ona lo that cortuin octiono, of v/liioh.
I jjkj * 4 J lj*J 1 il L*i |^KJ j^>u) I i—JJp Your lll(.hnooo io nwaro, v/oro tukon froi
LjUJI ^ 4 jl^bJl JL* jL>w Ja> lv» tho buhrnin oido which appoarod to bo
• 4*y*~0 j2>\ jj-'l l intondud to expand tho clulmu of
buhruin uo no to includo tho quoQtion
of oovoroitfvty. Tliio inovitubly mado
it i.ioro difficult to maintain
limitationo of oovoroif/nty on tlio
other oido.
—« uumJI LI —. v 3* Socondly, tho incroQood danger
of tho entry of oubvoruivo poruono ailJ
U»l*til Jel^uJl
y U* J^UI 4uljJk influonceo lmvc made it nocoooary
4 J o* throui hout tho Gulf and Jrn noi^hbour-
— UjUv*iVl Jlo jSI inc countrioo to lmpouo much otriotor
— Jr. ilAjLsJI Jjj.| ^ «lU ooourity arrantemonto and a moro
^loLJlj iiKi* ^ ^Vl oyotcmatic control of movement both
if 1 t i.* ^ JlpjI jjj of poruono und of (;oodB, 'i'hiu liao boon
eXJ jSj ( j^U I 4jJs 3 ai li o j Ij done in bnhrain with urout bonofit to
JiU^‘l^.1 jUjl 4j\j tho aocurity of the btntc, and it io
' # J* if o^1 inovitnblo that tho kind of
oil ^ aocurity moauurou uhould bo tulcon in
!; iyX>* aJ;L>JI X*>\j> Qatar, in fact Her tlujocty' o
V aJLaJ jiS\ VZ-llj^-'V l Govenu.lent have urged tho Qatar
cM o*J J? jk* if 1 Government that thiu uhould bo done in
* L**** c/V f tho intorootu of greator eocurity not
cwuJI I<yjk o*j only in Qutar but aloo in
u^LJI o)L.^i4lI t^L« «jla^ '7 neighbouring Ctntoo, Including
jlaJ ^jJI ^Ul q* *i}A* o-lxJp buhrain, It iu for thio roaaon
impouoiblo that tlio proviouo