Page 180 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 180

570                       Records oj Bahrain

                        ^                      i jCl)     will find diuap.ulntln/;.   V wioi. to
                          U~b         <U>*lo               take tho op.ijrtu.aty of auoaring
                        JL«Ji <jl^ jIas^ U^i ^LJt ^,'Ol>   Your hli.hnooo that tho inability of
                                  <J     cS * c^° J^ V     Her bnjooty* o to oupport
                         |>Vy* j^jj^                       yarn* proviouo cluimo in thio uattor
                                oLll? juiU jIiX-'vImI      ilouu not iunionto any chuni.o In their
                              • ^>-1 *l>cl ^1 ^ JjlOl      ruollzijjo of tho vmiucot friendolxip
                                                           and ro^-rd, und that they rcwaln
                                                           roady to uupport Your llii.linouo1 o
                              ilUJl   «Jla .,1 4jjjJLaSj*  juot cluiwo In any other direction*

                                OT Jn>JJ U~ iL^h 4jJ       Thoir conoidorcd View with’d to
                             0>J         4-1.SSS OU)^**    Hubarah io that It hao for too .lone,
                              3o?U) Ul I^*wpI jii          boon a cauuo of ai\*,\u.iont between two
                       J-lU~U jfju\ 1JI j1a5 3x‘U) d)j&    nullhhourln/j hlatoo whouo intcrcuto
                         c£\ U! dJJSi Jjl>JI IJj^fcj       aro othorv/iuo very i.iuch tho
                                    i^Up JL oj^LuJ- jU-l   Tlioy ai'o convinced that it will bo
                                                           in the Intercut of i.ohrain# no lone
                                           O&'Atrt or
                                                           •fclmn of iolur, ii' Iheoe iuvuaunta . t
                                 y*-Jl e.  ^ JjUuLj
                                                           way for tho future be forgotton( and
                                                           if practical utcjvu way be taken to
                                                           Itiprovo the relatione between tho
                                                           two oounti’lco.
                                                                 rlouuo accept> Your 111* .luiouOf

  i                             -tt/4 v 1 v                tho nucuruacc eh.’ wy hi;.lx

                                                                   (!>• liuriowo)
  • i

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