Page 5 - Poster presentation KVAC 22
P. 5
Chanatip Tinvarodom, Kanit Yasawut, Nathawat Khakhanmalee, Setthawoot Chareewan, Krairoek Romthamdecho,
Kulchai Nakbubpa, Suttitas Tongkamsai 2
1 th
5 year student of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-ok, Chonburi 20110, Thailand
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-ok, Chonburi 20110, Thailand
Introduction: Results:
Escherichia coli is gram-negative bacteria found in the intestines of animals in all life stages. Pathogenic E. coli infection can cause The results revealed that 30.63% (34/111) of swab samples are E. coli.
colibacillosis in poultry that has most commonly seen in broilers. Airsacculitis and fibrinous polyserositis (e.g., pericarditis and
perihepatitis) are the typical gross lesions. Septicemia (e.g., omphalitis and yolk sac infection) and coligranuloma are also common.The
disease often occurs with elevated mortality and culling rate leading to economic losses [1,2]. Various antibiotics are in use today to
treat E. coli infections in chicken farms. The over or misuse of antibiotics promoting antimicrobial resistance that is a global concern.
Antimicrobial resistance results in the failure of clinical therapy; more extensive use of antibiotics is responsible for economic losses to
the poultry industry. Antibiotic resistance in animals becomes a public health issue when there are antibiotic-resistant bacteria, or their
resistance genes, from animals to humans [3,4]. This study aimed to determine the prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility of E. coli
from broiler farms.
Materials & Method: Discussions:
Between April - May 2021, one-hundred and eleven samples (100 cloacal swabs of healthy chickens and 11 liver tissues of chickens that These results had similarities to a previous publication between 2007-
developed airsacculitis) were collected from two broiler farms in Sriracha, Chonburi. Amoxicillin and doxycycline were used in these 2010 [2]. The most common resistance patterns found in this study
farms. Bacteria were isolated and identified using the biochemical test.
were AML-TE-OT (88.26%). Except for amoxicillin-clavulanic acid,
therefore a suggestion of veterinary practitioners to select appropriate
antimicrobials following laboratory results. In addition, agriculturists
Dark-pink colonies on MacConkeys agar should concern drug resistance issues to avoid misuse or overuse of
Triple Sugar Iron agar Oxidase test (Oxidase -) SIM Medium The authors would like to thank Sri Racha livestock office for
supporting sample collection. We also thank the Veterinary diagnostic
(A/A , G+, H S-) ( Indole + , Motility + , H S-)
2 2 center, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Rajamangala University of
Technology Tawan-ok for the grant support for the undergraduate
Gram staining References:
(Gram negative rods) 1.Stromberg ZR et al., 2017. J PLOS One. 12.
2.Chansiripornchai N et al., 2011. Thai J Vet Med. 41: 519-522.
Antimicrobial susceptibility test 3.Sugden R et al., 2016. J Nat Microbiol. 1.
Cross spead plate in (Disc diffusion method) 4.Huijbers PMC. 2016. Wageningen University, Wageningen, NL.
Dilute a culture in NSS Measure clear zones in order to 5.Lee MD et al., 2008. AAAP.
Nutrient agar Muller Hinton Agar
0.5 McFarland compare between microbial 6.CLSI. 2012. Clinical and laboratory standards institute. 32.
resistance and antimicrobials 7.Boonyasiri A et al., 2014. Pathog Glob Health. 108: 235-245