Page 6 - The MIL Connection: Fall 2022
P. 6

Nationals game

         MIL raffled off Washington Nationals Suite tickets for three games during the 2022 baseball season. All employees were eligible
         to enter the drawings for a chance to win two tickets to an exciting Nats home game. Names were drawn through a lottery
         system and the lucky winners were notified that their names had been selected. This year’s lottery winners attended games on
         June 19th, August 14th, and September 17th. MIL also provided food and beverages to enhance the ballpark experience!

         Senator Scott sends MIL
         congratulations and best wishes!

         MIL was once again recognized as a Top Workplace in The
         Palmetto State of South Carolina! In recognition of MIL’s
         commitment to its employees and respected standing in the
         Charleston community, U.S. Senator Tim Scott sent a letter
         expressing his best wishes.
         MIL ranks seventh for mid-sized companies in South Carolina
         for 2022. This award, which recognized 67 organizations, is
         designated by three local publications: Greenville Business
         Magazine, Columbia Business Monthly, and Charleston
         Business Magazine. To date, MIL has been honored with this
         award four times.
         Cheers and well done to all of the members of the MIL team
         who work every day to make MIL an outstanding and vital
         force in the city of Charleston and its surrounding areas.

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