Page 8 - The MIL Connection: Fall 2022
P. 8
Peg Kendra retires
On June 30th, MIL celebrated Sr. Vice President Peg Kendra’s 28 years of service with MIL and
our government customers with a special happy hour at the Holy City Brewery in Charleston, SC.
Since 2004, Peg has served as the senior program manager for the Department of State contract in
Charleston, SC. However, over her 28 years with MIL she has managed cross-divisional projects to
streamline operations and procedures across client, company, and global locations. Peg is known
for her personable leadership style and her ability to connect with everyone in her division as well
as State Department government leadership and partners. Her ability to lead projects and people
with genuine concern for both is Peg’s trademark style. She is known for her keen communication
and analytical skills and team building skills, so it is no surprise that she has received several
premier achievement awards in recognition of outstanding performance. Peg will remain with
MIL for a brief period to assist with the DoS contract renewal and ensure those taking her place
are well-prepared for their new roles. Her commitment and ability to lead with engagement will
be missed by everyone who knew her!
The MIL team celebrates Peg at her retirement party at Holy
City Brewery in Charleston, SC.
8 | the MIL connection | fall 2022