Page 9 - The MIL Connection: Fall 2022
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As Peg looks forward, we look back
Peg’s decades of dedicated service to MIL have left an indelible mark on the company, her
colleagues, and her many MIL friends. We asked a few of those who know and admire Peg to
share their thoughts as we celebrate Peg’s well-earned retirement.
Marisa Daley
Peg demonstrates the epitome of a “leader who serves.” She always puts her team members
first and works tirelessly to help them achieve their career ambitions. I am inspired by her
commitment to others and making their careers at MIL fabulous.
Kyle Brooks
Peg's level of positivity and how she connects with people is off the charts. A story that
highlights it for me was a recent trip we took to the MIL VP meetings. The plan was for her
to fly to Pittsburgh from DC to visit her Mom and family after the meetings. Well, to make
a long story of flight mishaps short, things did not go well. Her flight was initially delayed
over six hours, then ultimately canceled. She tried to rent a car, but nothing was available so
she decided to jump on the Charleston flight and abandon her trip to Pitt. My flight (Same
Charleston flight) also being delayed till midnight, I was just wandering around the airport
till I rolled back up to my gate to check in on things. There was literally a ruckus of laughter
and conversation in the middle of the section, and sure enough, Peg was holding court in the
middle of it with the other Charleston bound folks. It was just incredible to me that after a long
day of work, a very disappointing travel day, she was still the same happy, polite, and caring
Peg we have all grown to know. It truly reminded me of how remarkable a person she is.
I will miss Peg's presence the most. She always exudes leadership, confidence, and provides a
comforting presence despite any situation. Not being able to just pick up the phone and call for
her thoughts/guidance will be tough. And I already know what Peg will say after reading this,
you can still call me anytime you need anything!!
Sally Beckett-Jeffery
Peg has such a wonderful way about her. It’s a pleasure to be in her company. She is a natural
leader who values and respects every team member unconditionally. She is kind, inclusive,
and genuinely cares about everyone she meets. She created a strong leadership team based on
modeling exceptional leadership and humble customer service. She has taken care of her team
and clients for over 20 years with her servant leadership.
Joel Melville
My favorite memory of Peg was when she agreed to join a few other corporate employees
and me in the frigid weather to represent MIL at the Charleston, SC MLK Day parade. Peg
being there speaks volumes about her strong leadership and commitment to community and
corporate stewardship.
Christy Foronda
I will miss a lot about Peg but I think what I will miss most of all is her smile, positive attitude,
and personal mentorship. You can always count on Peg to tackle any problem, no matter how
difficult, with positivity and a smile. She can calm the most difficult situation. Also, her focus
on her staff and people is something I admire and aspire to. Lastly, she has been a personal
role model and mentor to me as a female senior leader in the company. I will miss her personal
mentorship around family life balance as a working mom. She has been an inspiration to me
on how to balance it all and excel at both.
fall 2022 | the MIL connection | 9