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Journal of Biotechnology in Livestock Production

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              Pavasuthipaisit, K., R.G. Holyoak, C. Tochalus and Y. Kittiyanant.  1995.  Repeated transvaginal

                     follicular aspiration in swamp buffalo.  Theriogenology 43: 295. (Abstract)
              Reis, A., M.E.Staines, R.G.Watt, D.F. Dolman, and T.G.  McEvoy, 2002.  Embryo production using

                     defined oocyte maturation and zygote culture media following repeated ovum pick-up (OPU)

                     from FSH-stimulated Simmental heifers. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 72: 137-151.

              Samardzija, M., M.Karadjole, M. Matkovic, M. Cergolj, I.Getz, T.Dobranic,  A.Tomaskovic,  J.Petric,

                     J.Surina, J. Grilzelj and T.Karadjole,  2006.  A comparison of BoviPure® and Percoll® on

                     bull sperm separation protocols for IVF.  Anim.Reprod.Sci. 91: 237-247.

              Somfai, T., S.Bodo, S. Nagy, A.B. Papp, J.Ivacsics, B.Baranyai, E.Gocza and A. Kovacs. 2002.
                     Effect of swim up and percoll treatment on viability and acrosome integrity of frozen-thawed

                     bull spermatozoa.  Reprod. Dom.Anim. 37: 285-290.

              Songsasen, N. and M. Apimeteetumrong.  2002.  Effects of β-mercaptoethanol on formation of

                     pronuclei and developmental competence of swamp buffalo oocytes. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 71:


              Tanghe, S., A.Van Soom, V.Sterckx, D. Macs and de A. Kruif. 2002.  Assessment of different sperm

                     quality parameters to predict in vitro fertility of bulls.  Reprod Dom Anim. 37: 127-132.

              Techakumphu, M., W. Tantasuparak and J. Singlor. 1996.  Successful blastocyst production from

                     Native Thai calf oocytes after in vitro fertilization.  Thai J.Vet.Med. 26: 169-176.

              Ward, F., D. Rizos, M.P. Boland, and P. Lonergan.  2003.  Effect of reducing sperm concentration

                     during IVF on the ability to distinguish between bulls of high and low field fertility: work in
                     progress.  Theriogenology 59: 1575-1584.

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