Page 242 - Bonhams Passkon and Philanthropy MET Mjuseum March 2024 Asia Week
P. 242

148  ¤
                                                             SEVEN ARCHAISTIC JADE AND HARDSTONE SCABBARD
                                                             Late Qing Dynasty
                                                             Comprising one of faceted trapezoid shape and perforated through
                                                             the center, the stone polished plain and stained black and russet
                                                             brown along natural veins; one decorated with scroll pattern within
                                                             line borders on either side, drilled with a channel on the top end and
                                                             a deep circular hole at the bottom, the celadon stone with russet
                                                             inclusions; one lively carved with a chi dragon on one side and
                                                             archaistic scroll pannels on the reverse, drilled with three holes on the
                                                             top for attachment, the bottom flat, the pale celadon stone stained
                                                             black to the dragon’s side; one small trapezoid carved with a chi
                                                             dragon within line borders on either side, drilled with three holes on the
                                                             top, the stone stained black and brown in areas; one decorated with
                                                             raised bosses within line borders, the reverse with scroll patterns, the
                                                             top drilled with three holes for attachment, the bottom flat, the ‘chicken
                                                             bone’ stone smoothly polished, stained brown and black in areas;
                                                             one carved with a chi dragon in relief, the reverse with ruyi patterns in
                                                             four quarters, the top drilled with three holes for attachment, the stone
                                                             lightly tinted brown; the bell-shaped piece carved with a chi dragon in
                                                             relief, the top drilled with a channel and the bottom with a circular hole,
                                                             the stone mottled black and brown. (7)
                                                             1 3/8in to 1 7/8in (3cm to 4.8cm) wide
                                                             $1,000 - 1,500

                                                             清末 仿古玉劍珌七件
                                                             Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價
                                                             Yamanaka & Company, New York
           148                                               Gift of Samuel T. Peters, 1913
                                                             The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1913-present

                                                             Samuel T. Peters 1913 年贈
                                                             大都會藝術博物館,1913 年迄今

                                                             149  ¤
                                                             A SMALL JADE ‘FINGER CITRON’ WASHER & THREE JADE
                                                             Late Qing Dynasty
                                                             Finly carved as a finger citron fruit issuing from a leafy branch, the
                                                             stone lightly stained brown; together with three rings and discs of
                                                             various sizes and colors. (4)
                                                             finger citron: 2 3/8in (6cm) long;
                                                             rings: 11/16in to 1 3/8in (1.7cm to 3.5cm) diam
                                                             $800 - 1,000

                                                             清末 佛手柑小玉洗一件 小玉環三件
                                                             Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價

                                                             Yamanaka & Company, New York
                                                             Gift of Samuel T. Peters, 18 December 1911
                                                             The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1911-present

                                                             Samuel T. Peters 贈,1911 年 12 月 18 日
                                                             大都會藝術博物館,1911 年迄今


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