Page 36 - In Defense of the Gospel PUB
P. 36
Thus Paul says in Hebrews 4:2: “For unto us was the GOSPEL
preached, as well as unto them. But the word preached did not
profit them, not being mixed with faith in them who heard it.”
I’ve heard people say that the gospel is just ‘too good to be
true.’ A few have said, ‘Even God can’t be this good.’
Scripture is clear. We need to (1) BELIEVE the gospel, and we
also need to (2) RECEIVE the gospel. This is what Paul says: “They
who RECEIVE abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness
shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ” (Rom 5:17). Paul is very clear
that we cannot live in the gospel — the revelation of who we are in
Christ because of what HE did — when we are trying to live life by
what WE do under the Old Covenant law.
“They have a zeal for God, but NOT according to knowledge.
Being ignorant of GOD’S righteousness, and going about to establish
their OWN righteousness, they have not submitted themselves to
the righteousness of God” (Rom 10:2-3). If we do not submit to the
righteousness of God and receive it, we remain blind to it because
our own self-righteousness blinds us.
In Philippians 3:9 Paul shows us how our self-righteousness is
motivated by the LAW. He says he wants to be found in Christ:
“Not having my OWN righteousness, which is by the LAW, but that
which is by the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by
faith.” We cannot live in a revelation of the gospel righteousness of
God if we’re living in our own self-righteousness under the law.