Page 269 - Reason To Sing by Kelita Haverland
P. 269
Chapter Forty-Four
continue to run to Him. I don’t always understand the power
of His magnetic pull but it has been there since I was a kid.
Yes, I wandered far away for many years, but I came back. I
have to believe that all things are possible with God. I have to
believe that I will get through this challenging time. I sit in my
favourite rocking chair and pray constantly. There’s a beautiful
scripture I’m really holding onto these days: But those who
trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on
wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will
walk and not faint. The eagle will not only rise but, soar.
I have a big FAITH, I really do. When I close my eyes, I
can see the word in large capital letters burned into my mind. I
hold on to God with every ounce of strength I have. I honestly
don’t know what else to do but keep trusting and believing. I’ve
learned over the years the only way to become a survivor is to
just BE one! Admit the truth, face the pain and walk through
the fire. Step by step. Denial only prolongs the inevitable. The
only way is through.
I am getting through with the help of a few supportive
girlfriends. There’s also a small group from our church who
drive out from Toronto every week to do a bible study and
pray with me. We are now living in the suburbs and I miss
my old church family. How lucky I am that they are willing to
come to me and offer me a safe place to pour out my heart. I
am extremely grateful for their support. Being in a new city in
the middle of winter hasn’t allowed many new friendships to
I have found one dear new friend, Lenora. She’s really
been here for me through this tough time. We met each other
through the country music scene; she is a wonderful musician
and amazing singer. Lenora and I became fast friends when
we discovered we had so much in common. Our voices blend