Page 110 - Reclaim YOUR DIGITAL GOLD (without audio)
P. 110
individuals will most likely have their own rating reduced
as a result. People who have low social ratings will be
excluded from society, and as a direct consequence of
this, they will have no chance to improve their standing.
Those who were either born into the top rankings or got
to the top through purchasing their way there will always
hold the most prestige.
In summary, in a world where our lives are based on a
virtual score card, it is likely that as time goes on, the
gap between people who have high ratings and those
who have low ratings will continue to widen, resulting in
a society that is extremely stratified. Those who begin
at the bottom are much more likely to remain there
throughout the entire process.
For even deeper understanding of the topic, let’s take a
look at these scenarios.
There are a number of films on the impact of technology
on our future lives, particularly as it relates to data and
AI, however, two films come to mind as examples of
how this social rating system could work in the future;
“Nosedive” is a Netflix Twilight Zone episode and “In
Time,” starring Justin Timberlake and Amanda Seyfried.
Nosedive is a 2015 Black Mirror episode from the Netflix
Twilight Zone series. It’s about a young lady named Lacie
who lives her life in order to gain points on social media.
Although it is a fictitious world in which people are
completely reliant on their score, the plot makes sense
when you realize that almost all of the examples given
are taken directly from our daily lives today.