Page 113 - Reclaim YOUR DIGITAL GOLD (without audio)
P. 113
A New SociAl ScoriNg
The main difference is that technology now allows us to
easily score each other based on our online behavioral
habits and patterns.
Another film that depicts the impact of technology on
our future lives is “In Time.” Andrew Niccol wrote and
directed the 2011 science fiction film In Time, starring
Justin Timberlake and Amanda Seyfried. It depicts a
social system based on an embedded biological digital
This takes place in the future, when time is the only
valuable commodity. People have a clock embedded
in their wrist, and when it reaches zero, they die. The
premise is that after the age of 25, the ageing gene shuts
down and they only have a year to live. However, the
body clock imprinted on the left forearm does not start
ticking until they reach the age of majority (i.e. 25 years
of age). As a result, they are safe until their 25th birthday.
So, while everyone wants to know how to stay 25 forever,
there is always the possibility that something will go
wrong.When the clock begins to tick, the poor must work
to gain more time. However, the wealthy can buy time.
So, it clearly becomes a class struggle, with the wealthy
having millions of hours to do whatever they want. Time
is literally money in this world.
As a result of running out of time, everyone has the
ability to create, steal, buy or borrow time; all of this is
transmitted via your pulse in your left arm.
Of course, there are the class enforcement officers and
the policing of where and how people obtain and use
any extra time gained. All of this is made possible and
supported by a world of digitally centralized data to
monitor and control its population and societies.