Page 111 - Reclaim YOUR DIGITAL GOLD (without audio)
P. 111
A New SociAl ScoriNg
“It’s a satire on acceptance and the image of ourselves
that we like to portray and project to others,” says Charlie
Broker, the episode’s creator and writer.
Everything Lacie does is to raise her social standing.
She is obsessed with her rating, which she constantly
monitors and manipulates by rating people she knows
with 5 stars in the hope that they will return the favor.
Every time she does something that affects her score, the
show projects her score on the screen, and her emotions
are ruled and influenced by her score.
Of course, everyone in her world can read each other’s
scores because they all wear special contact lenses
that allow them to look at someone and see their rating,
similar to a holographic projection. Every upload and
interaction are rated by the platform’s users, yielding
an average score out of 5. This is the 5-point or 5-stars
system used by hotels, Uber for their drivers and the
online gaming community to rate gamers.
Anything higher than a 4 is considered excellent. Ratings
between 3 and 4 are still acceptable, but anything less
than 3 is considered unacceptable because it lowers
one’s social standing and affects one’s ability to obtain
quality service or access to privileges that those with
higher ratings have.
You see, a person’s worth in Lacie’s world is determined
by their rating, so as a result, she works tirelessly to
improve her score. Despite the fact that she suffers from
severe insecurities and is generally unhappy with her life,
she decides to seek the assistance of a social media
consultant so that she can improve her score. He uses
in-depth analytics and algorithms to compare her profile