Page 115 - Reclaim YOUR DIGITAL GOLD (without audio)
P. 115

A New SociAl ScoriNg

                            Chapter Summary

            We are beginning to judge one another as a society based
            on our online profiles, the digital image we project, and the
            digital footprint we leave behind. This is the purpose of
            a social rating or social scoring system. Similar systems
            are already in use by law enforcement and government
            agencies all over the world. The concept of a national
            social rating system is not particularly complicated or
            Two of the most pressing unanswered questions are how
            the system will look in practice and how it will operate
            technologically. The system’s designers are aware that
            the more information they share about it, the more holes
            it  creates  in  its  security.  When  a  social  credit  system
            determines  a person’s  place in  society, the  degree  of
            social stratification is likely to increase. The gap between
            people with high ratings and those with low ratings will
            continue  to  grow  over  time.  The  Netflix  Twilight  Zone
            Nosedive episode and the In Time film show how this
            could work in the future.

             Digital Gold Nuggets

                  ♦ That photo of you looking a little rough after a
               night out on social media may make you laugh,
               but it could make it much harder for you to
               obtain financial and governmental services as

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