Page 17 - Mission updated and revised Employee Handbook (00022854).DOCX
P. 17

Sexual harassment includes many forms of offensive behavior, including gender-based harassment
               of a person of the same sex as the harasser. In addition, sexual harassment includes harassment
               that is not sexual in nature but is because of sex or sex-based stereotypes. The following includes
               a partial list of sexual harassment examples, which includes but is not limited to:

                   ➢  Sexual flirtations, touching, advances or propositions.
                   ➢  Offering employment benefits in exchange for sexual favors.
                   ➢  Making threatening reprisals after a negative response to sexual advances.
                   ➢  Visual conduct that includes leering or making sexual gestures.
                   ➢  Verbal abuse of a sexual nature, such as lewd comments, sexual jokes or references and
                       offensive personal references.
                   ➢  Demeaning, insulting, intimidating or sexually suggestive comments about an individual.
                   ➢  The  display  of  demeaning,  insulting,  intimidating  or  sexually  suggestive  objects,
                       photographs and/or images.
                   ➢  Graphic or suggestive comments about another person’s appearance, whether clothing or
                   ➢  Insulting,  demeaning,  intimidating  or  sexually  suggestive  written,  recorded  or
                       electronically  transmitted  messages  (such  as  email,  texting,  instant  messaging  and/or
                       internet materials).

               In addition to prohibiting sexual harassment, any harassment related to an individual’s race, color,
               religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, age,
               disability, national origin, citizenship or immigration status, uniformed services or veteran status,
               or any other category under federal, state or local law is specifically prohibited.

               Reporting of Harassment
               If you experience or witness actions or words of another individual that you believe constitute
               harassment, whether it is a co-worker, supervisor/manager, vendor or client/customer, then you
               must immediately  report it  to  your supervisor/manager, the  head of the  People Operations  or
               his/her designee. If you do not feel that the matter can be discussed with your supervisor/manager,
               or if you are not satisfied with the way that your report has been handled, you may directly contact
               the head of the People Operations or his/her designee. Do not assume that Mission management is
               aware of the harassment. It is your responsibility to report all incidents of harassment, whether you
               were directly harassed or are aware of another employee being harassed. There is no single person
               to  whom  you  must  report  your  complaint  of  harassment  or  inappropriate  behavior,  but  such
               behavior must be reported. Prompt reporting is essential to the investigation and elimination of

               All complaints of harassment will be investigated promptly and in an impartial and confidential
               manner as possible. Employees are required to cooperate fully in any investigation. Mission will
               strive to reach a timely resolution as soon as possible and, where appropriate, will communicate
               the outcome to the parties involved. If an employee is dissatisfied with any response or action
               taken, the employee should elevate the report to the next level of management.
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