Page 13 - Mission updated and revised Employee Handbook (00022854).DOCX
P. 13

➢  Do not leave your assigned workstation or the premises without authorization from your
                       supervisor/manager during your work hours.
                   ➢  Give proper advance notice whenever you are unable to work or are going to be late and
                       avoid excessive absenteeism or tardiness.
                   ➢  Do not smoke, use smokeless tobacco or e-cigarettes (including vaping) in unauthorized
                       areas or during unauthorized times.
                   ➢  Consume meals only during the designated times and in the designated eating areas.
                   ➢  Maintain cleanliness and order in the workplace and work areas.
                   ➢  Avoid threatening acts of workplace violence, including but not limited to:
                          o  Possessing firearms or other weapons on Mission property, except as otherwise
                              provided in the Weapons Policy set forth elsewhere in this Employee Handbook.
                          o  Fighting or assaulting a co-worker, security guard, guest, vendor and/or customer.
                          o  Threatening  or  intimidating  a  co-worker,  security  guard,  guest,  vendor  and/or
                              customer with physical violence.
                   ➢  Avoid  engaging  in  any  form  of  sexual  harassment  or  other  types  of  harassment,
                       discrimination or retaliation.
                   ➢  Do not report to work under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs or narcotics.
                   ➢  Do  not  use,  sell,  dispense  or  possess  alcohol,  illegal  drugs  or  narcotics  on  Mission
                   ➢  Do not disclose confidential financial data or other nonpublic confidential and proprietary
                       Mission information without the appropriate advance authorization.
                   ➢  Do  not  share  confidential  information  regarding  business  partners,  vendors  and/or
                       customers without the appropriate advance authorization.
                   ➢  Do not falsify or alter Mission records, documents or reports or steal, destroy, deface, or
                       misuse any property of Mission, an employee, a vendor or a customer.
                   ➢  Refrain from using Mission’s communication system inconsistent with or in violation of
                       Mission policies, such as electronic mail, computers, internet access, telephones, etc.
                   ➢  Do not clock in for other employees or have another employee clock in for you.
                   ➢  Do not perform any work “off the clock” if a non-exempt employee.
                   ➢  Follow  management’s  instructions  concerning  job-related  matters,  including  the
                       performance of assigned tasks in the manner requested and do not commit insubordination.
                   ➢  Do not solicit or distribute materials in violation of Mission policies.
                   ➢  Refrain from conducting personal business during work hours.
                   ➢  Avoid sleeping on the job, playing pranks, or engaging in horseplay.

               The head of the People Operations Department or his/her designee will review and approve all
               recommendations for termination before final action is taken. Any questions about this policy
               should be directed to the head of the People Operations or his/her designee.

               This policy does not alter the at-will employment relationship, nor does it create an expressed or
               implied contract between employees or Mission for any specific period of employment. Just as
               employees have the right to resign at any time for any reason, Mission also reserves the right to
               terminate employment, with or without notice, at any time and for any reason.

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