Page 24 - Mission updated and revised Employee Handbook (00022854).DOCX
P. 24
Mission has a long-standing commitment to provide a safe and productive work environment.
Substance abuse hurts job performance through increased absenteeism, low job efficiency and
increased accident rates. For these reasons, Mission is committed to the elimination of drug,
narcotics and alcohol use and abuse in the workplace.
This policy outlines the practices and procedures designed to correct instances of identified
alcohol, narcotic and/or drug use in the workplace. This policy applies to all employees and all
applicants for employment at Mission. The People Operations Department is responsible for the
administration of this policy.
Employees should report to work fit for duty and free of any adverse effects of illegal drugs,
narcotics and/or alcohol. This policy does not prohibit employees from the lawful use and
possession of prescribed medications in a manner consistent with the prescription as ordered by a
licensed physician. However, employees must consult with their doctors or other health care
professionals about the effects of their medication on their fitness for duty, their ability to safely
perform assigned duties and any impairment or potential threat of harm to the employee, co-
workers or visitors. Employees should promptly disclose any work restrictions to their
supervisor/manager. Employees should not, however, disclose underlying medical conditions. An
employee’s reporting of specific medication being taken should be considered confidential medical
information. Employees who fail to report to work and make the necessary disclosures as required
by this policy will be subject to corrective action, up to and including termination of employment.
Supervisors/managers should immediately report to the People Operations Department any action
by an employee who demonstrates an unusual pattern of behavior. The People Operations
Department will determine the appropriate action to be taken, such as an examination by a
physician or a test for drug, alcohol or narcotics. Employees believed to be under the influence of
drugs, narcotics and/or alcohol should not be allowed to work.
As a condition of employment, all employees are required to sign the Mission’s Drug, Alcohol and
Narcotics policy.
Work Rules: Whenever employees are working and/or operating any Mission vehicles,
equipment, or machinery, are present on Mission premises or conducting related work offsite or
otherwise representing Mission on business, they are prohibited from: