Page 34 - Mission updated and revised Employee Handbook (00022854).DOCX
P. 34
Employees must respect all copyright and other intellectual property laws. For Mission’s
protection as well as the protection of Mission’s employees, it is critical that all employees show
proper respect for the laws governing copyright, fair use of copyrighted materials owned by others,
trademarks and other intellectual property, including Mission’s own copyrights, trademarks,
intellectual property and brands.
Employees must not post sensitive, financial, confidential, or proprietary information about
Mission or its clients.
Employees should not make negative comments about Mission or any of its customers in any
social media. In addition, employees must not make false representations about their credentials
or their work.
Respect: Employees should demonstrate respect for the dignity of Mission, its owners, customers,
vendors, employees, and business associates. A social media site is a public place and employees
should avoid inappropriate comments. For example, do not use ethnic slurs, personal insults or
obscenity or use language that may be considered inflammatory or offensive. Even if a message is
posted anonymously, it may be possible to trace it back to the sender.
Disclaimers: Nothing in this policy is meant to, nor should be interpreted to, in any way limit an
employee’s rights under any applicable federal, state or local laws, including an employee’s rights
under the National Labor Relations Act to engage in protected concerted activities with other
employees to improve terms and conditions of employment, such as wages and benefits.
Discipline: All employees are expected to know and follow this policy. Mission may monitor
content on the Internet. Policy violations may result in corrective action, up to and including
termination of employment. Employees having any questions regarding this policy should ask their
supervisor/manager or the People Operations Department before taking any action.
Mission is a company that is regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”);
therefore, the use and possession of personal mobile phones in the work area are prohibited unless
authorized by the management of Mission. Employees are allowed to use their personal mobile
phones during their lunch breaks in designated areas.
From time to time, Mission may use photographs, videos, and employee information for
administrative and organizational purposes, such as in creating organizational charts,
announcements, and other internal publications. In addition, photographs or videos of an employee
may also be used in marketing materials shown or distributed to outside companies or agencies. If
an employee wishes to be excluded from this program, then please contact the People Operations