Page 37 - Mission updated and revised Employee Handbook (00022854).DOCX
P. 37

of employment. If an employee is absent for three (3) consecutive days without informing his/her
               supervisor/manager, then that employee will be considered to have voluntarily resigned and his/her
               employment  will  be  administratively  terminated.  Employees  who  voluntarily  resign  via  job
               abandonment will not be eligible for rehire for a period of five (5) years.


               Employees  are  expected  to  present  a  professional,  business-like  image  at  all  times.  Neatness,
               cleanliness,  and  good  taste  in  grooming  are  expected.  A  casual,  unkempt  appearance  and/or
               extreme dress, hairstyle and/or makeup are not acceptable.

               At the Corporate Office of Mission and at other administrative areas of Mission, dress is more
               casual,  where  jeans  are  allowed,  unless  business  circumstances  dictate  otherwise.  However,
               “muscle shirts,” cut-off shorts, halter-tops, jogging suits, flannel, and other similar clothing are
               unacceptable attire. Attire with any logos or graphics worn by employees must not reflect any form
               of violent, discriminatory, abusive, offensive, demeaning or otherwise unprofessional images.

               Certain  departments  of  Mission,  such  as  Production,  Warehouse,  Research  &  Development,
               Maintenance, Quality Assurance, and the Quality Control Laboratory may be required to meet
               special dress, grooming and hygiene standards. For example, a uniform may consist of a shirt,
               pants, safety shoes and safety glasses. Depending on the nature of the job, some employees may
               be required to wear hairnets, facial nets, safety glasses, etc.  These must be worn at all times while
               in the production areas. If an employee leaves the work area at any time (including going to lunch
               away from Mission premises), he/she must change into street shoes and clothes.

               Mission is confident that employees will use their best judgment regarding attire and appearance.
               However, the management of Mission reserves the right to determine the appropriateness of the
               attire and appearance of all employees. Any employee who is improperly dressed will be counseled
               and/or sent home to change clothes. Employees will not be compensated for any work time missed
               due to their failure to comply with this policy. Exceptions may be made to permit applicants and
               employees to observe religious dress and grooming practices unless it creates an undue hardship
               for Mission. Continued disregard of this policy may lead to further corrective action, up to and
               including termination of employment.

               Employees  in  sales  positions  are  required  to  present  themselves  in  professional  attire,  unless
               business circumstances dictate otherwise.

               PERSONNEL RECORDS

               Mission strives to maintain current, complete, and accurate records on employees in order to
               conduct business efficiently and comply with federal, state, and local laws.

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