Page 40 - Mission updated and revised Employee Handbook (00022854).DOCX
P. 40
Employees are paid by direct deposit on a regular basis and on rare occasion by check, in each
case being in a manner so that the amount, methods and timing of wage payments comply with
any applicable laws or regulations. All compensation policy decisions take into consideration
Mission’s overall financial condition and competitive position.
The FLSA is a federal law which requires non-exempt employees to be paid at least the federal
minimum wage for all hours worked and overtime pay at one and one-half (1.5) times the
employee’s regular rate of pay for all hours worked over forty (40) hours in a workweek. However,
the law provides an exemption from overtime pay for some positions such as executive,
administrative, professional, outside sales representatives and certain high-skilled computer
professionals. To qualify for any of these exemptions, the annual salary, position, and job duties
must meet certain testing requirements.
Mission establishes the time and duration of working hours as required by workload, production
flow, customer service needs, the efficient management of human resources and applicable law.
The workweek for wage and hour purposes is 12:00 a.m. Monday through 11:59 p.m. Sunday. All
full-time employees will work a thirty-seven and one-half (37.5) hour workweek or a forty (40)
hour work week with a daily one (1) hour or one-half (.5) hour unpaid meal period.
At Mission, full-time employees are expected to take a lunch break near the middle of the workday.
A regular lunch break is usually one (1) hour in duration or one-half (.5) hour in duration depending
on departmental needs. As this is non-work time, it is unpaid. Non-exempt employees must clock
out and clock back in using the Mission timekeeping system for all lunch breaks. Typically, non-
exempt employees may not leave early or extend lunch breaks beyond their assigned period.
Violators of this policy may be subject to corrective action, up to and including termination of
On rare occasions, when non-exempt employees are required to work during their lunch time, it
should be considered time worked and “on the clock”. All such time should be accurately recorded
through Mission’s timekeeping system. Employees on lunch breaks are prohibited from interfering
with other employees who are continuing to work.