Page 41 - Mission updated and revised Employee Handbook (00022854).DOCX
P. 41


               Mission supports breastfeeding mothers by accommodating the mother who wishes to express
               breast milk during her workday when separated from her nursing child. The provisions of this
               policy meet the requirements of the FLSA as it relates to breaks for nursing mothers.

               In  compliance  with  applicable  laws,  Mission  will  provide  a  reasonable  unpaid  break  time  as
               frequently as needed to express breast milk for a nursing child up to one (1) year after the child’s
               birth. Mission will also provide a place, other than a bathroom, that is shielded from public view
               and free from intrusion from co-workers and other public, for a nursing mother to use for the
               purpose of expressing breast milk. Employees will not be retaliated against for exercising their
               rights under this policy. Employees who have nursing needs are encouraged to speak with their
               supervisor/manager or the People Operations Department about their needs.


               Employees  are  to  be  compensated  for  all  hours  worked  and  non-exempt  employees  must
               completely and accurately record all time worked. To that end, all non-exempt employees are
               required to clock in and clock out each day using the Mission timekeeping system. After clocking
               in for work, if an employee leaves the facility on non-Mission business, then he/she must clock
               out prior to leaving the building. The following rules govern the time keeping device:

                   ➢  Each employee must never log in or out for another employee or allow anyone to log in or
                       out for such employee. Violators of this policy will be subject to corrective action, up to
                       and including termination of employment. If an employee fails to log in or out, then such
                       employee must notify his/her supervisor/manager as soon as possible for time correction
                       and proper logging of actual hours worked.
                   ➢  If an employee fails to clock in and out and does not take action to improve his/her conduct,
                       it may lead to further corrective action, up to and including termination of employment.
                   ➢  Proper personal time keeping is a matter of law and your responsibility. Each employee
                       must make sure that his/her time records are accurate and reflect the actual time worked. If
                       an employee does not record his/her time accurately, then such employee may be subject
                       to corrective action, up to and including termination of employment.
                   ➢  Employees are not permitted to clock in before their normal start time or to clock out or
                       stop  work  before  their  normal  quitting  time  without  the  proper  approval  from  their
                       supervisor/manager. Non-exempt employees must “clock in” before doing any work for
                   ➢  If  an  employee  is  ever  asked  not  to  report  time  worked  or  work  off  the  clock  by  a
                       supervisor/manager or a member of management of Mission, the employee must report it
                       immediately to the head of the People Operations or his/her designee. No employee is
                       permitted to perform work “off the clock” at any time. Violations of this policy are subject
                       to corrective action, up to and including termination of employment.

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