Page 64 - Mission updated and revised Employee Handbook (00022854).DOCX
P. 64


               Any employee arrested or charged of a serious criminal offense (including any felony or violent
               misdemeanor) while employed with Mission that could affect the employee’s ability to perform
               his/her job or result in time away from work is required to notify his/her supervisor/manager as
               soon as possible, but in no event later than three (3) days after such circumstance. In the event of
               anytime away from work, the employee will be required to use any available PTO. PTO will not
               renew unless the employee returns to work. The Attendance and Punctuality Policy will apply
               during any period of incarceration. Failure to report an arrest or charge under this policy or the
               misrepresentation  of  the  circumstances  may  result  in  corrective  action,  up  to  and  including
               termination of employment.

               BEREAVEMENT LEAVE

               In the event of a death in the immediately family of an employee, the employee will be allowed a
               bereavement leave of absence with pay not to exceed one (1) week per calendar year in preparation
               for and attendance at the funeral service. Employees must be on active status during the death of
               a  family  member  or  the  funeral  to  be  eligible  to  take  bereavement  leave.  For  example,  if  an
               employee is regularly scheduled to work thirty-seven and one-half (37.5) hours per week, he/she
               will be granted up to thirty-seven and one-half (37.5) hours of bereavement leave per year. If an
               employee is regularly scheduled to work forty (40) hours per week, he/she will be granted up to
               forty (40) hours of bereavement leave per year. Part-time employees are eligible to receive up to
               twenty (20) hours of bereavement leave per calendar year.  The employee’s supervisor and payroll
               must  be  notified  immediately  of  the  forthcoming  absence.  Employees  should  submit
               documentation for the absences related to the death of an immediate family member.  Mission
               reserves the right to request verification of death or applicable services.

               For definition of an immediate family member, please refer to Policy 102 (Classifications section)
               in this Employee Handbook.


               All employees are encouraged to fulfill their civic responsibilities by voting. Since most states
               have extended absentee voting and/or the polls are generally open before and after normal working
               hours, time off should not be necessary.

               If polling hours do not permit time to vote either before or after working hours, adequate time off
               will  be  authorized  to  exercise  this  right.  Supervisors/managers  should  check  with  the  People
               Operations Department before allowing any time off for any employees under this provision.

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