P. 51


–	turn the "TURNING TIME" knob to adjust the turn-          –	turn the "OVERLAP" knob to adjust how much of the
  ing time of the appliance in relation to the “TURN          outward ground surface must be overlapped by the
  RIGHT” and “TURN LEFT” buttons                              return travel. There are three types of overlap:
                                                              -- NO overlap
                   100%                                       -- negative overlap
                                                              -- positive overlap
              Max: TT: 130%
              Min: TT: 0%                                                        0

TURNING TIME                                                                                                  FRONT
              TURN RIGHT
TURN LEFT                                                                                                                                                       Max: OL: 3500
                                                                                                                                          BACK                  Min: OL: -3455
–	press the button "TURN RIGHT" or "TURN LEFT" for
  the appliance to turn independently (to the right                                                                                             OVERLAP
  or to the left depending on which button has been
  pressed) until the direction of travel is inverted                                                                                          Negative overlap: this is used to ensure no imperfec-
                                                                                                                                              tions are left between the outward and return surfac-
              Sx: TURNING LEFT                                                                                                                es, i.e. the appliance increases or generates an over-
              Dx: TURNING RIGHT                                                                                                               lap as it reverses before completing the curve, thus
                                                                                                                                              reducing the turning radius. The higher the negative
                                                                                                                                              value of the overlap, the greater the surface overlap.
                                                                                                                                              The negative overlap is used when SWING is not

–	in ideal conditions (surface perfectly level, no fric-                                                                                      NO OVERLAP
  tion etc.) if the turning time value is set to 100%, the                                                                                    NEGATIVE OVERLAP
  appliance will make a curve of 180° in such a way
  that the return surface is perfectly parallel to the
  outward surface. If conditions are not optimal, ad-
  just the turning time as required to obtain a curve of
  180°. The "TURN RIGHT" button works in exact-
  ly the same way (mirrored) as the "TURN LEFT"


l	NOTICE                                                                                                                                                                        37
             If the appliance travels a curve greater
             than 180°, the turning time must be re-
             duced whereas if the curve is less than
             180°, the turning time needs to be in-
             creased. - Made in Italy
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