Page 96 - Selling secrets 5 18 2023
P. 96


        With all the attention on the Internet and social media
        marketing, direct mail marketing via old school “snail mail”
        might seem antiquated. However, direct mail is still a highly
        effective  way  to  deliver  an  effective,  targeted  message—if
        used correctly. As proof of that statement, think of how
        many direct mail pieces you get each year selling a home in
        your area; - not many?

        Prospective buyers between the ages of 18 and 34
        (millennial’s) are predicted to become the largest home-
        buying  group.  Stan  Humphries,  chief  economist  at  Zillow,
        reports that, “Roughly 42% of millennial’s say they
        want to buy a home in the next one to five years.”

        Believe it or not, these young adults prefer direct mail!
        According to National Mortgage Professional Magazine’s
        Millennial’s Prefer Direct Mail:
        « “Seventy-five% of millennial’s believe that the
        direct mail they receive is valuable”

        « “A whopping 92% of millennial’s are influenced
        to make a purchasing decision as a result of direct
        mail they received, as compared to only 78%
        for email”

        « When asked whether they would prefer to receive
        promotions via email or direct mail, 90% of
        millennial’s stated a preference for direct mail.”

        Whatever format you choose for your direct mail campaign,
        be prepared to follow up. The goal of your direct mail
        campaign is to set up a face-to-face appointment. The way
        that will happen is to follow up via a phone call. But don’t
        try to sell your house over the phone. Rather, find out what

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