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culminates with a process of reflection and evaluation aimed at determining its

                           success. The assessment phase of design-based research is also integrated into

                           this step. The execution of reflection was ensured for improvement in cycle two.

                           The students’ scores from both trials were analyzed by using the Many-facet

                           Rasch Measurement (MFRM).

                           2)  Subjects of the Trials

                                     The researcher recruited English Department students in the third semester

                           of the 2021/22 academic year at Universitas Tadulako, Palu to gather data for a

                           need analysis (NA). They were recruited conveniently which means who are able

                           to  fill  the  questionnaire  of  NA.  The  English  Department  is  one  of  the  most

                           popular study program at Tadulako University.

                                     The  researcher  then  invited  students  from  the  fourth  semester  of  the

                           English  study  program  to  voluntarily  participate  in  the  readability  test  and

                           writing tests in the 1st trial to gather information about the initial product. The

                           readability test also involved two lecturers. The purpose of the readability tests

                           was to determine how well the lecturers and students understood the instruments'

                           content. In contrast, the analytical rubric, which serves as a representation of the

                           writing  test's  item  fit,  was  the  focus  of  the  writing  test.  Only  42  students

                           voluntarily attended the readability test, and 15 students voluntarily participated

                           in the writing test. Then, the student's writing test scripts were rated by two

                           raters.  The  writing  test's  construct  is  dependent  on  the  scoring  rubrics,  so

                           consistency in the raters' interpretation of the student's writing skills is critical.

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