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reviews and feedback must be based on the constructed scoring rubrics. Then,
she operationalized the multipurpose assessment model through GBA-TBI and
FCA cycles (online and offline condition). The trials were conducted through
the cycle of classroom action research (CAR) by Kemmis and McTaggart
(1988). She conducted the cycles of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting.
Figure 9: The Cycles of a Multipurpose Assessment Model in Blended
Learning of Argumentative Writing
In the following cycle, the draft is re-implemented after being tested and
revised in the previous cycle. Using the observation protocol, the observer
assisted the researcher in observing the application of the assessment model.
The purpose of this exercise was to ascertain how well the developed
assessment model could be put into practice. An observer observed the
classroom environment during the learning process using the observation
protocol as a guide.
C. Trails of Design Model
The purpose of trials is to gather scientific evidence for the developed
assessment model. These evaluations were conducted using writing skills tests to