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evaluation criteria. This is a fundamental framework for students to reflect
on their learning outcomes critically.
In short, the previous references suggest that the assessment should
meet the criteria of validity, reliability, authenticity, impact, and
practicality. A test is reliable if it gives consistent results whenever it is
administered and to whoever the testees are. The assessment results
describe the same student learning outcomes even though they are provided
by different teachers and with other methods. Validity refers to the
accuracy of measuring what will be measured to produce the accuracy of
the interpretation and the use of assessment information.
4. Assessing EFL Writing
a. Existing Writing Assessment Models
The purpose of assessing student writing is to identify writing skills
based on curriculum-based indicators using tests that adhere to the
principles of assessment. Effective assessment models provide evidence to
document and promote student achievement, motivation, and learning
(Andrade & Brookhart, 2020; McMillan, 2018). Effective teachers choose
good assessment practices to provide a pedagogically sound assessment
description and learning goals for the writing task.
Several reputable journals have published existing formative and
summative writing assessment models. The writer only discusses some of
these in the following sections to demonstrate why a multipurpose
assessment model is necessary to investigate.