P. 65

1)  Portfolio-based Assessment

                                              The portfolios-based writing  assessment  model is  one of the

                                    alternative assessment models integrated into writing instruction. Lam

                                    (2018) asserts, "at the university level, writing portfolio assessment

                                    serves  as  an  exit  requirement  to  identify  whether  freshmen  are

                                    competent in mastering academic writing for their coursework" (p. 3).

                                          The  portfolio  procedures  include  collection,  selection,  self-

                                    evaluation,  reflection,  and delayed evaluation  (Burner, 2014;  Lam,

                                    2018).  The  instructor  collects  student  writing  for  assessment  and

                                    feedback first. Students then select the finest draft to keep in their files.

                                    The self-evaluation centers on the student's analysis of the single draft

                                    of their writing about the prepared feedback, standards, and criteria.

                                    Closely  related  to  self-evaluation,  reflection  is  a  mechanism  for

                                    comprehensive  planning,  monitoring,  and  evaluating  the  entire

                                    composition  process.  Although  some  academicians  consider

                                    reflection a component of self-evaluation, reflection demonstrates a

                                    more  cyclical  metacognitive  thought  process  than  self-evaluation.

                                    Last, delayed evaluation entails awarding summative grades on the

                                    final  draft  before  it  has  been  effectively  revised  in  response  to

                                    formative feedback. The portfolio assessment framework aligns with

                                    AaL principles because it allows students to self-evaluate and self-

                                    reflect, as described in the preceding procedure.

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