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journal (A la individualized learning plan). She then started her writing
development plan through an online platform with blogs. She learned how
to write a good text with other friends through blogs. After conducting an
online writing platform for a month, they held an offline meeting to share
their writing and give feedback
d) Flex Model
The flex model is a technology-based learning model where students
access material online in physical classes. At the same time, the teacher
acts as a facilitator through discussion forums and works on projects in
groups. The teacher also acts as a tutor to help students with learning
problems online. The Flex model organized by (Mabuan & Ebron, 2016)
uses e-mail to facilitate students' writing skills for one semester. Students
developed their writing skills by sending questions and discussing them in
written forms in pairs. The teacher did not provide specific guidance on
the number of words to be written and the paragraph writing structure,
instead asking students to write their comments freely to his pair. This
study indicates that the email-assisted flex model can improve writing
skills, allow collaboration and interaction with a peer, and foster learners'
Among the aforementioned blended models, this study implemented a
flipped classroom. The Flipped classroom is a learning model in which, before
studying in class, students learn the material first at home according to the