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online classes to speed up building students' knowledge (Wallace et al.,
FCM carried out by Su Ping et al. (2019) in learning writing skills
is divided into two phases: 1) Before Class, where students access and
study materials related to the teaching-learning topics posted on an online
platform to strengthen their understanding before the f2f real Class. 2) In-
class activities - the teacher prepares materials and writing exercises that
must be finished in the first 15 minutes of offline class. After that, the
teacher reviewed the student's writing in terms of content and general
mistakes. This section also provided feedback orally or in written form,
individually or in a group. The rest of the time is for writing a text
c) A La Carte/Self-Blended Learning Model
A self-blended learning environment is the blended learning model
where a student self-directed himself to access learning content through a
plethora of digital devices and learn without the teachers' assistance. The
students themselves make progress by using technology to connect,
collaborate, create, and discover practical ways to learn with their tutor or
friend. They need to organize their own learning from helpful resources
they find for themselves online (Bull, 2015). In Bull's study, he only
involved one student. He observed her while she learned to write. The
student went through several phases. First, the student created a list in her